It's actually chilly outside this morning!! And it reminded me that summer really is almost here are some highlights of my summer, 2012 :)
Before summer really even started, I went down south for prom :)
One of my very best friends, Ben, came home from college for a few months!!
My best friend since Cubbies came up to Michigan to see me! :) There were so many better pictures to choose from but...I mean, this is the real us ;)
My brother got a new girlfriend! She's the sweetest thing EVER :)
Went on a mission trip to Joplin, MO! This is the awesome group I went with... we became known as "The group that has matching t-shirts and water bottles, and go around singing wherever they go" Love being that group :)

I just can't tell I'm at work here because it was during March Madness, when we were able to wear t-shirts to work.
And of course the newest addition to the church, and neighborhood...Andi :)
Obviously, my summer had many more things included, but I thought you only needed highlights ;)