Commercials are the worst, yes? I think we can all agree...guy, girl, old, young...we all hate them. They're long, annoying, always trying to sell us something, and always much louder than the programming that we are impatiently waiting for to come back on as we shove our raspberry truffle gelato into our faces.
They hold promises of youthfulness, and skinniness, and looking like Jennifer Aniston-ness...Enough-ness.
I call lies. Lies from pit, I tell you.
My Facebook feed for the past week or so has been full of women writing about how they don't feel like they are enough.
Y'all, I struggle with this.
I really do.
Let's get down to the honest to goodness truth and talk about the daily walks of our lives for a minute;
Society (or let's be real here, Satan puts this in my mind each and every day) tells me that if I don't wake up an hour before I need to, make my bed and do an hour of Bible study (don't you dare leave out the journaling), eat a well balanced meal, be dressed to the nines (how dare you leave out the eyeliner on a MONDAY), and be out the door all in that hour and a half time day is a failure. Let's not forget that the house needs to be spotless, a 3 course dinner made, and some DIY projects done by the end of the day.
Guys, if I can just get up ON TIME, down a cup of coffee while struggling to find a pair of pants and a shirt that actually goes together, put on a pair of flip flops that match, and remember my water bottle for the day, IT IS A GOOD MORNING. If I get a few minutes during my day to send my Love a text telling him that he is appreciated, or a few seconds of blissful silence to talk to Jesus while the pot of veggies quietly (or not so quietly) boils over on the stove, and I actually eat dinner at all, IT HAS BEEN A GOOD DAY.
Disclaimer: Bible reading happens, just so late at night/past the time I should be sleeping (oh wait, sleep?) that let's not even talk about it.
You're enough. I promise, There is no one on this planet Earth who can do everything she needs to in a day. If there is such a person, please oh please let me find her. And clone her...or at least follow her around for a few weeks so I can learn how she manages this.
The dishes aren't going anywhere ladies, they'll wait for you to do them...
Another disclaimer: There is a difference in making priorities and letting things get so bad that practicing hospitality is a struggle.
The laundry will also wait... (wear that maxi skirt for the 3rd day in a row, crotchless yoga pants,,,am I right?!)
If you're a night owl, or just struggle sleeping, do your Bible study then instead of the terrible hours before 7am. I promise that the people waking up early to do it aren't learning anything different/better/more godly just because it's early in the morning.
Don't pull your self worth from commercials, or society, or from the lies that Satan would love, love, LOVE for you to believe.
Are you doing what you are doing for Jesus? Is it good, is it helpful, is it loving, does it make people feel appreciated? You're doing something right, keep it up.