I grew up in the South, and I would be lying if I said that I had lost all of that Southern pride that we generally have in the last 6 years that I've been away. So take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, and some prayer...and maybe some sweet tea before you decide that I'm a traitor. (What are we in a war or something? Good grief.)
Southern Hospitality. It's a thing that the majority of us have heard of, yes? People from other parts of our country let their imaginations run wild with this one, they have pictures in their mind of sweet southern belles on long front porches with rocking chairs on them serving sweet tea with a wedge of lemon. We make the best food, we throw the best parties, us southern girls are always dolled up to perfection.
Spoiler, that isn't a thing by the way.
Guys I've met some southern girls who don't know the first thing about true hospitality. (Though they do make some KILLER sweet tea)
And guys, I've met some northern girls who are KILLER at true hospitality and guess what...they also make some darn good sweet tea.
And I'm just convinced that hospitality has absolutely nothing to do with the South. Or the North. Or the East or West or the darn middle of the country.
I am convinced that the art of true hospitality comes from hearts that love Jesus.
I am convinced that you learn by example, and what better place to learn this way of loving people than from Jesus? The Man fed 5,000 people by himself for goodness sake! I don't know about you, but I personally max out at about 20 people without a good crew helping me, and at about 350 with that crew, so you let me know if you can feed 5,000 alone, and we'll chat about that new catering business we are going to open up together.
I also don't know any good host that is willing to DIE for her guests. I love y'all but uh, I'll be the first one diving underneath that beautifully set table if something were to happen that might get us killed.
And I'm not saying southerners aren't hospitable because....hi. I love parties, let's have a big one soon. I'm just saying that I'm done attributing this really fun and great way of loving on people to a few states in this universe and I'm ready to start attributing this whole thing to Christ because I just can't see a way that we can truly practice it without him.
So, let's study up on this whole loving on people through hospitality thing, Jesus style....and then let's really practice it.
....even if you have to serve pizza and Coke to be able to really have the time to LOVE on these humans you are blessed to serve.
Just do it.
Just learn about it from the best Host, and then do it...and if you need some help with your sweet tea, let me know.