
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Music and life, hand in hand

Music. That one word can bring so much to your mind. Music can bring back memories, good and bad. Music can take you to that happy place (that is if you enjoy music of course). Music can be such a wonderful thing in your life. For me, music is a lot of my life. I not only enjoy listening, but singing is one of my very favorite things to do. I sing everything. Everything reminds me of a song. Some say I actually sing well, I like to think so. One thing I want to do more than anything is take voice lessons. So, you may ask...why the long post about music all of a sudden? Well, because the older I get and the closer to Christ I grow, the more I realize how much impact music really does have on people! People joke that prayer is 10 times better with soft music behind it, but if you really think about it, wouldn't it be quite awkward to sit in Church with hundreds of other people in absolute silence? Or maybe that's just my opinion. Think about the music you listened to last. Alex Clare perhaps? Waka Flocka? Peter Fuller? Or maybe you don't even know who those people are, either way, who did you listen to last? Christian or Secular? That right there should be your first sign of how impacting music can be. Sorry for stepping on some toes here (as I'm sure I will), but are those people talking about ANYTHING of importance in their music?? Or is it just for your pure enjoyment? Not saying that we shouldn't enjoy the music we listen to (I obviously do, it's what I love most), and not even saying that I don't listen to secular music, as I do. But as I listen to some of the stuff I used to LOVE listening to..I'm realizing that it's just no longer fulfilling. It's not that great to listen to anymore, I need something that really gives me a message of some sort. And by message I do not mean the message of "I was born this way" either. I mean a real message. A message that teaches me something valuable abut life. I'm not saying you're doomed if you listen to stuff that really has to life meaning in it. We all have those days. What I'm saying is that we should really put more stock into what we're filling our heads with. Just a thought. :)

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