No I'm totally serious here! However, I'm not talking about a physical hug. Your Pastor might be a little weirded out if everyone in Church started randomly attacking him with hugs..and anyway, good way to spread the flu. Anyway...your Pastor needs emotional hugs!! I thought of this while I was in the church service this morning. During communion I looked up from my private prayer to see my Pastor with his head in his hands praying. I just got this overwhelming sense of "MY PASTOR NEEDS MY PRAYER". Not because he can't pray himself, not the case at all. But because, 200 people praying can do a lot more than 1 person praying. The fact is, I have no idea what he was praying could have been personal, it could have been about the service, or a situation, or even just the church family in general, but I saw this and knew immediately who was getting even extra prayer from now on. Not saying that I don't pray for my I do on a daily basis, along with prayer for my parents, friends, family...etc. But this morning the Lord really put on my heart that instead of always leaning on my Pastor (and family) for hugs..perhaps they also need someone to lean on for hugs. Perhaps they need an encouraging word, or an extra smile. Or....just hug them with prayer.
Thank God for wisdom that precedes your years. Nicely written.