
Monday, February 18, 2013

View me...

How do I want people to view me? This is such a big question for me, because quite frankly, I am a people pleaser. When I think of this idea of conforming to what other people think I should be, I always think of Noah on the Notebook; "I'll be anything you want!" "You're dumb." "I can be that."...while that is funny to us, because of who said it and how it was said, think about it for a minute. How many times in a day do people tell you how they want you to be, whether intentionally or not?
I don't want to be seen as a people pleaser, that's for sure. Kind, yes. Easy to push around, absolutely not.
I want to clap in church, I'm going to darn well clap. I want to have my hair some crazy bright color? Don't go telling me that it's going to offend some older lady in church, I don't go to church for her benefit, and I sure as heck hope that something like that couldn't turn someone away from the real reason they come to church. We think differently as far as how conservative our families are? Good. If we were all the same, the world would be one boring place.
I guess what I'm trying to say here, is stop worrying about what others might think. Is how you live your life pleasing to God? Let me rephrase that..because some people may be telling you that you're not. DOES YOUR LIFE LINE UP WITH SCRIPTURE?? Notice I didn't ask "Does your life line up with so and so's look on life?" I asked has GOD said anything against the way you live your life? Do you feel convicted by Him to change your life? No? Then don't. God knows what He's doing, and the people coming up against you for the way you may live your life...well they need to suck it up, and move on.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Road to.....

For those of you that kind of keep up with my journey to missions...Arkansas is out. My grandpa checked it out for me and after talking it over and stuff we decided it wasn't an option. So back to only looking at the ones in Colorado!! :)