
Monday, July 29, 2013

Why I love Michigan..

The beach is heavenly..

I have this wonderful, godly woman by my side at all times...'s just beautiful up here.

Because this guy comes home and visits me in the summer..okay so he's visiting all of us, but still.

Because I have these beautiful ladies as my two best friends...

Because I have finally found true friendship up here...
It only took about 2 years, right?

Friday, July 26, 2013

A smile on my face...

Satan is on the path of destruction. He is working overtime in my little part of the world, and he thinks he is winning. 

There has been such an air of discouragement, of hopelessness, and of sadness in my life and in the lives of others that I know. 

Family ties are being broken, or are close to being broken. People that are not normally confrontational are being forced to change in that aspect in order to follow the Lord. 

Through all of this my biggest comfort is in knowing that the Lord already knew everything was going to happen. He already had a plan to fix it. He had a plan to put me in the Church family that I'm in right now. 

I have wonderful people that love on me...that will sit there and talk to me forever...that give me their wisdom and experiences.

I'm blessed beyond measure at the amount of love an support coming my way right now, and the Lord knew I would need these lasting relationships.

So, here I am starting my Friday morning with a cup of coffee and some yogurt. I refuse to give Satan his way of discouragement in my life. I will use today to show him that I will continually have a smile on my face, hope in my heart, and strength in my Lord.

I encourage you all to do the same. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Me, a Southern Belle?

Usually my posts are little ramblings about my life, what God is teaching me and such...but tonight I'm feeling....Southern. A lot of my northern friends read my blog, as do some southern friends, but I have a feeling my northern friends might enjoy this post more.
See, I've been talking to one of my oldest friends from the South tonight, and it's brought back so many wonderful memories.

Memories of the weather turning warm in March.

Memories of sweet southern accents mixed with lovely sweet tea.

A place where time could stand still. Where the most fun I could possibly have in a day was climbing hay, riding the four-wheeler, chasing the cows...

Where I grew up and eventually started noticing boys...cowboys. Boys that took me driving with the windows down and the country music blaring.

We drank out of mason jars ONLY.

We lived in a beautiful 2 story home with a gorgeous 'barn red' wrap around porch, with white rockers and adorable little glass tables on it.

A wonderful farm, where dogs and kittens were everywhere. Where we were chased by the mean cows and cuddled with the newborn calves.

Where being called a hick wasn't exactly an insult but instead evoked a kind of pride from you, and everyone speaks to strangers, because that's how you make friends.

My home....the place where I truly feel comfortable.

I have wonderful friends in Michigan, don't get me wrong. I love them, and the town I live in.. but sometimes I find myself trying to act more "normal" in trying to rid myself of some of the "southern". I did well with losing my accent, that wasn't very hard, and I must say helped me fit in a lot better. But tell me, what does losing my heritage actually do for other than make me feel even worse in the long run? Who cares what people think, whether it's the fact that I'm an adorable "Southern Belle"...or a hick. Because what they DON'T know, is that when that happens..just the tiniest bit of pride comes welling up inside of me, and a southern girl with southern pride, plus the knowledge of how to shoot a gun might just be the most dangerous thing they've ever encountered ;)

So now that you've gone on a little journey to the south with me...hopefully you can just enjoy me becoming a little more in touch with the old me..cowgirl boots and all. :)

Fear not...

For I am the Lord your God....

 I am always amazed at the fact that no matter how well you may know a verse or verses, they are always relevant.

 Always showing the Lord's mercy.

 Always there to still your heart.

I opened up a graduation gift from my grandparents yesterday to find a beautiful engraved band, and a card. The card is what helped me this morning.

As I was going about my daily morning things, I was constantly thinking about how I'm preparing for my future. I'm leaving for a visit to Colorado about this time next month to visit the school and my Aunt...but other than that and some in depth study of the Word, there's not a lot else I can really do at this point. I've sent my application in to Natasha's Mission of Truth for the money to send me in January, and quite frankly I'm stressing. I sent it a few weeks ago and still have heard nothing back. I was in the middle of drying my hair all the while working myself into a tizzy when I remembered the card.
On the top it said "When you want to know what to do."
And underneath that were the verses;

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

How often lately I have forgotten, no not even forgotten -refused- to trust in the Lord.

 I have worried myself sick over things I simply can not control.

I have been snappy, or withdrawn because I'm too busy thinking and worrying over something that will happen in time, and in God's will.

I have spent more time trying to find comfort in things and people, than I have spent in the Word of God Himself.

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 16:33