
Monday, August 12, 2013

Oh, you work in ministry?

"Listen to me! These are my problems! What should I do? You're doing this part of ministry wrong. You should try it this way!"

These are the words posed to people in ministry all too often. I'm guilty of it myself, its so hard not to slip into taking the wonderful people that God has put into our lives to guide us for granted.

 Its so hard not to complain to that listening ear, that seems so willing. To simply forget that they may have much greater things on their plates at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, as I find myself heading in the direction of ministry I whole-heartedly believe that God calls those choice people to be those that will listen, care for, and guide. That they have chosen (or maybe even shoved by the Lord) to go into ministry.

However, I just see them being taken for granted so often.

That lovely woman that may not be at church because of a sick child, or maybe even sick herself who is beating herself up over the fact that people may think she's setting a bad example... The one who speaks truth into people's life thus may lose many friends... The one who doesn't have all the answers, but wants to have them for you. Who spends countless hours preparing lessons or activities only to be shot down, or argued with. The Pastor that takes on all the extra burdens for those that are hurting.

Really? Does God see this and feel pleased? I can't help but think that the answer is "no."

I can't help but feel like this was not His plan for the Church. That discord, arguments, and politics were not intended for His body of believers. That taking the people He planted in your life to guide you in His way should take on all of our burdens, leaving themselves no time to even recharge in His Word.

Maybe, just should give them a break. They seem a little grumpy? Maybe they're just overwhelmed. They seem sad? Maybe they are.

I'm not saying that we can't lean on these wonderful people that God has so lovingly placed in our lives, like I said I'm slowly heading that way, there's nothing I'd rather do than love on people. BUT...I'm saying that these precious ones could use some of that loving on as well...


  1. I agree! Well said, my friend! :)

  2. Beautiful reminder that pastor's jobs are 24/7. Their families often sacrifice "family time" to care for the rest of us. They deserve to be appreciated and cared for all year long. <3
