
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Be, make something.

It's New Year's Eve, and I have wonderful plans tonight...plans that I really should be getting ready for, since today my struggle is having "too many adorable things to wear"...but instead I sit here with a crazy fro for my hair after being in a crazy bobby-pinned mess this morning writing my thoughts.

It always really amazes me how blessed I am with the people God has placed in my life here in Michigan. He knew what neighbors we would have, and what a wonderful church we would live quite literally down the street from. He knew what wonderful pastor's families would be placed in my life. He knew what I needed to be placed in before He placed the real calling on my heart.

After a fun/crazy/snow-filled morning of shopping with a dear friend, we sat in the car as we pulled back up to her home, as I explained that while 'missions' was on my heart, and what I believe is my calling, this church...this wonderful family of Christ that I am apart of is included in this calling.
I don't know why, or how...but I know I will never live long-term on a mission field. Africa is on my heart, and I would LOVE to be able to take short-term mission trips there, but I know it will never be my home. I don't know how, or in what circumstance, but this church is my mission field.

And my mission won't be to be someone in the church, but to make something in this church.

I don't think the younger generation (my generation) really understands that one day, the older generation will not be here to run things. That if the younger generation doesn't step up now, while we're young, what we are so used to being there, won't be. If we aren't willing to step up and take some responsibility, one day the people that are doing it now will be tired of always being asked to do it, and it just won't happen anymore. If the younger generation isn't bringing some youth to things, we will never have a stable young crowd in church to keep things going and it WILL die out.

Even if missions isn't your calling....make the church your mission field.

Make something of the church, not someone of yourself.

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