
Thursday, April 30, 2015

The pests aren't welcome here...

I love spring. The sounds of birds waking me up each morning, the sunshine and the warmth it brings with it, the flowers..though not so much the pollen they bring.... and then there are the bugs. 

I'm sure that it is somewhat of a compliment, right? The sticky sweetness of just perfect coffee left over from breakfast...just too good to pass up! But it's when I found that a few or maybe more than a few ants had decided to take a dip in my coconut oil that I could take no more...coconut oil is where I draw the line! 
I had heard that ants really dislike the smell of cloves and cinnamon..which is perfect because I spray those scents everywhere! such luck. I think it might have even made it worse. And then on a hunch I decided to try peppermint. I put a few drops on a square of tissue and put it on the window sill....and in front of my eyes I could see the ants making a run for the crack in the sill that they had been coming in through. Within 5 minutes every single ant had left the premises. 

So there you go folks, the excitement of my morning has ended...all with a few drops of peppermint oil...and hey, my house smells lovely as well!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What if we as the Church just changed?

What if we stopped trying to do everything the way it has always been? 

What if we stopped being so caught up in what we selfishly think is the only way to do things and knelt down on our knees and asked the only One who's opinion really matters?
If we actually got down on our faces and didn't stop pleading for answers until we really got them? 
Communed with God. 
Asked him for HIS vision.
After all, the Creator of the universe surely has a say in how we go about His business.

What if we just quit the fuss, and the bickering, and the gossip, and the backbiting... and just focused on what we were put on this planet to do and started winning people over for the Lord?

What if we stopped being so focused on events, and started focusing on relationships? Stopped worrying about numbers of decisions and started discipling  people who have already made those decisions so that they might "..go into all the nations..."

If we stopped worrying about the color of the carpet and the fact that we don't like the brand of tissues that we are supplied with... and chose JOY

If we just welcomed people in with open arms and no questions. Showing them Christ in the best way we can, through our love and through the fact that we are different in such a wonderful way.

If all of these things happened, we still wouldn't have a perfect Church. Not everyone who visits would stay. Everyone still wouldn't be best friends. 

But it would be a whole lot closer to a church that I would be comfortable in if Jesus walked through the front doors.