
Saturday, May 10, 2014


                                                As she says often, we grew up together.
     She was close to the same age I am now when she had me (okay that one scares me a little bit)

She had a friend as a teenager who when they grew up and had daughters who were friends....

We have been friends from day one when I would stay up until 11pm with a young mama who didn't think about the fact that maybe babies weren't supposed to do that, and we still do it when I'm home even to this day.
I had her as a teacher almost my entire life, and can spell quite a bit better than her.. ;)
We have disagreements and we both are childish about 90% of the time.
She still makes me breakfast when I'm at home and don't want to make it myself, and sometimes even midnight snacks.
She gives me money for a new swimsuit (or maybe I should change that to "I hope"...) hahaha
She loves my brothers, me, and Daddy with all her heart!
Happy Mother's day!!

Friday, May 9, 2014


A newborn baby. A family made larger by one. A little girl made into a big sister. A little boy made into a big brother all over again. A daddy with tears in his eyes as he stares at his new daughter. A husband who is praying to God to allow his family to stay whole. A man of God serving his Lord every single day wondering if he has the faith to keep moving. A mama looking at the miracle that she's been carrying for the past 8 1/2 months. A wife looking into her husbands eyes willing him to have faith.

An entire building where over a hundred people live at one time covering this family in prayer. Rejoicing over a brand new life. Praying healing over another life.

Me in Azerbaijan. Being excited over being able to meet this little girl in less than 2 months. Praying for this family as always. Being so grateful for the fact that maybe they went without as much as usual for a few months so that I was able to be here. Praying for healing. Praying for courage. Wanting to hug the entire family. Thankful that cancer has treatment. Tears.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Lord Is My Strength And Hope

This precious baby was born yesterday....I can't wait to get back to Colorado to meet her!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New name.

Today, I changed the name of this blog.

Not because I was tired of the old name but because my identity is no longer where I am from or where I live or what culture I follow.

My identity is not in the people I know or in the places I go.

My identity is not in my job or even in the way I put my small mark on the world.

My identity is in what I believe.

My identity is shown in the love I show the world, in the things I do all over this the way I teach.

Read the new name of my blog not expecting to meet me, but to meet my Savior through my words and my actions which I talk about.

Read the new name knowing that in order to make it possible for you to meet me through my words, I must first know myself, which I am growing to learn each day.

So welcome!!