
Thursday, July 24, 2014

When your wondering if you matter...

I'm currently in the middle of a book titled you matter more than you think (check it out, it's pretty awesome) and as I was turning the page that ended the chapter I was on, I was hit with a sudden thought;
In order for this book to be written, published, and sold.... many women needed to feel as though they didn't matter.

In my journey overseas this past year, I have been told many times that Satan likes to pick on your strongest point. He wants to make you feel weak in that area so that it is no longer being used. 
You matter more than he would ever like you to believe.

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm an overachiever by every meaning of the word. If it isn't perfect, I'm not done. It can be so good to have this personality... it can also make you feel like everything is wrong in your world.
I didn't do my devotions this morning and now I'm a day behind. 
My pies didn't turn out how I wanted them to look and taste, and now everyone probably thinks I'm an awful cook.
My new blanket isn't the exact shade my other blankets are, can I even be trusted to decorate my home?!
Do you get where I'm going with this? When you are always ready to beat yourself up, Satan is there with a a baseball bat ready to help finish you off.

When you wonder if you matter, remember the times you have succeeded and not the times you have failed.
When you wonder if you matter, don't hesitate to ask God what His opinion on it is....

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